The International Conference on Nanomaterial, Semiconductor and Composite Materials (ICNSCM2016)

The International Conference on Nanomaterial, Semiconductor and Composite Materials (ICNSCM2016)

Location Singapore Singapore - Singapore
Start Date May 21, 2016
End Date May 22, 2016


Nowadays, the developing of the modern high-tech polymer and composite materials play a more and more important role in the development of modern materials science and technology. The research depth, application scope and the production speed and scale of composite materials have become an important symbol when measuring the advanced level of materials science and technology.

The International Conference on Nanomaterial, Semiconductor and Composite Materials (ICNSCM2016) will be held on 21-22nd May, 2016 in Singapore. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to send my honest invitation to all distinguished scholars and engineers. As an academic conference, this event aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, scholars and students around the world to exchange and share their experience and research fruits with professionals and industrial engineers. As an attendee, you will have access to the industrial products and get to know the requirements of enterprisers.

All papers accepted by ICNSCM 2016 will be published by the journal of "MATEC Web of Conferences"(ISSN Online: 2261-236X) that is contained the Ei Source List. The papers will be submitted to ISTP (CPCI-S), Google Scholar, CAS, Compendex, Inspec, DOAJ and Scopus.

Please note: the Conference organizers cannot promise any index services because the index service company has the final right to decide if the paper can be indexed.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Singapore and welcome you to present your precious work to our conference.

1st ICNSCM2016 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper to us by easy-chair. The submitted paper can be in MS WORD format or PDF format.

The main topics of interest include but will not be limited to the following.

T1: Nanomaterial Synthesis and Properties

Mechanical, Thermal, Electronic and Optical Properties of Nanomaterial

Organic, Inorganic, Biomedical and Macromolecular Nanomaterial

Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings

Synthetic methods for nanostructures

Characterization of Nanomaterial

Modification of Nanomaterial

Nanostructured Ceramic

T2: Composites Manufacturing

Mechanical and Tribological Properties

Fibers, Matrices and Interfaces

Multi-functional Composites

Nanotechnology Composites

Biomedical Composites

Biomimetic Composites

T3: Semiconductor Materials

Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors

Organic semiconductors

Semiconductor elements

Inorganic compound semiconductor

Low-dimensional semiconductor materials

T4: Engineering Materials

Semi-conductor and Micro-electronic Materials

Smart/Intelligent Materials/Intelligent Systems

Composites and Polymer Materials

Coatings and Surface Engineering

Testing and Evaluation of Materials

New Functional Materials

Materials Characterization