10th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC2016)

10th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC2016)

Location Canada Canada - Montreal
Start Date May 17, 2016
End Date May 22, 2016


On behalf of the Executive Committee, we would like to invite you to the 10th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC), which will be held in Montreal May 17-22, 2016. The venue for the event is the Montreal Convention Center, located in the heart of downtown Montreal, just minutes away from historic Old Montreal.

For the second time, and exactly 20 years later, the WBC will be held in Canada, representing a unique occasion for Canadians to proudly host our colleagues from around the world.

A key attribute of the organizational effort for the conference is reflected by the participation of the International Biomaterials Societies. Working toward the success of this conference on behalf of the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering is now a proud tradition of our global community.

With over 3500 abstracts submitted by the September 30, 2015 deadline, WBC2016 is on track to be the largest scientific gathering of biomaterials scientists ever, and the largest World Biomaterials Congress to-date.

This confirms what most of us have observed over the past decade, that this field is ripe with potential and growth. We are extremely appreciative of the world biomaterials community for engaging with the organizing committee for this meeting. Now that we have received a record number of abstracts from >60 countries, we will make our best efforts to uphold the highest standards of excellence in development the content of the scientific program for WBC2016, and stage a meeting that will chart the future of the field in years to come.

We are currently undertaking an expeditious review of the submitted abstracts by coordinating >500 reviewers from around the world. Letters of notifications will be distributed on December 1, 2015 at the same time that formal registration for the Congress opens.

While the backbone of our Scientific Program has been revealed, we are continuing to bolster our program by establishing new special theme speakers and unique sessions at the Congress.

For those companies or institutions that are interested in sponsoring or in having commercial and technical exhibition booth, there is still time to join the many companies that have already shown their support for this meeting. You can find more information on how to connect with these opportunities on this website.

Stay connected with us and expand your professional network via Twitter and LinkedIn over the coming months. Subscribe to our newsletters. Get ready for The Biomaterials event of 2016.

We look forward to hosting you in Montreal!

The Executive Organizing Committee