13th International Hydrocolloids Conference: Theme - Natural Ingredients for a Healthier World

13th International Hydrocolloids Conference: Theme - Natural Ingredients for a Healthier World

Location Canada Canada - Guelph
Start Date May 16, 2016
End Date May 20, 2016


You are invited to submit an abstract or abstracts to the 13th International Hydrocolloids Conference (13th IHC), which will be held at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, on May 16I20th, 2016. The abstract could be submitted through the following conference website.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is January 31, 2016. All authors will be notified of acceptance and any oral abstracts that cannot be accommodated in the program will be offered poster presentation.

  1. Natural Hydrocolloids: new properties and novel applications
  2. New hydrocolloids: new sources and processes, functional properties, characterizations and potential applications
  3. Modification of natural hydrocolloids: methodologies, improved functionalities and novel applications
  4. Industrial perspectives of natural hydrocolloids
  5. Proteins and dairy ingredients: new products and functions, interactions with other food components
  6. Bioactive polysaccharides: isolations, characterizations, bioactivities and health implications
  7. Soluble Dietary fibre: molecular characteristics and physiological benefits (for cholesterols, blood glucose and gut health)
  8. Applications of hydrocolloids in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and medicines.
  9. Hydrocolloids as structural materials for controlled release: NanoI emulsions and microencapsulations.
  10. Applications of hydrocolloids in other industries, including petroleum oil recovery, paper production, inks etc.
All presenters, including plenary, invited, oral and poster presentations, are invited to submit their manuscripts for consideration to be published in a special issue on Food Hydrocolloids (Guest Editors: S.W. Cui and H.D. Goff). Selected papers from the conference will be invited to Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre for publication. Sincerely,
Co Chairs
Professor Steve W. Cui, Ph.D.
Guelph Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and AgriFFood Canada,
Professor H. Douglas Goff, Ph.D.
Department of Food Science, University of Guelph