2017 International Conference on Engineering Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering

2017 International Conference on Engineering Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering

Location Thailand Thailand - Bangkok
Start Date Apr 21, 2017
End Date Apr 23, 2017
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanophysics Nano Optics - Nanophotonics


Accelerator   physics

Advanced Quantum and   Optoelectronic Applications
Algebra &  Its   Applications
Algebraic Statictics & Its   Applications
Analog electronics
Applications of engineering   physics
Applied Mathematics &   Statistics.
Applied physics
Applied mechanics
Atomic Force   microscopy and imaging
Automation and instrumentation
Biomedical Optics and   Biophotonics
Biosensors and bioelectronics
Chemical physics
Chemical, Environmental, and   Process Engineering
Chemistry   and     Advances Chemical Engineering
Communication physics
Composite materials
Computational      nonlinear fiber and integrated optics
Computational      Optics
Computational      studies of novel photonic materials and theoretical designs of     photonic   devices
Computational      studies of optical phenomena at the micro- and nanoscales
Computational      terahertz photonics and electronics
Computational physics
Condensed   matter
Control   theory
Damage  to  VUV,   EUV, and X-ray Optics (XDamVI)
Data  mining
Digital   electronics
Digital   Optics: Sensing   and Imaging
Digital electronics
Displays   and     Holography
Energy Systems
EUV and   X-ray     Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space
Fiber optics
Fluid   dynamics
Force  microscopy and   imaging
General   Physics
General   physics and   physics education
Geometry  & Its   Applications
High-Power,     High-Energy, and High-Intensity Laser Technology
High-speed      photonic links and optical communications
Holography:   Advances   and Modern Trends
Image   Processing
Imaging    system,   Image Processing, and Machine Vision
Industrial   physics
Information   theory
Information theory
Instrumentation and control
Integrated      Optics: Physics and Simulations
Integrated   and   nonlinear waveguide photonics
Laser      Acceleration of Electrons, Protons and Ions
Laser    chemistry   and laser material processing and nanofabrication
Laser    medicine   and biophotonics
Laser    Technology   and Applications
Laser physics
Light   Source     Technology
Liquid   crystals for   advanced optoelectronics and lasers
Magnetic  materials
Materials   Science &   Engineering
Materials science and   processing
Mathematics      Analysis & Its Applications
Mathematics   &   Modeling
Medical       Applications of Laser-Generated Beams of Particles: Review of Progress     and   Strategies for the Future
Medical   and     Biological Applications
Medical   physics and   biophysics
Medical physics
Metamaterials,      optical invisibility, and transformation optics
Methods   for physical   analysis and measurement
Metrological physics
Micro-   and   nano-technology
Microfluidics,   MEMS,   and MOEMS
Micro-structured   and   Specialty Optical Fibres
Microwave Engineering
Mineralogy   and   radiology
Modeling   and     simulation in quantum optics
Modeling   and     simulation in ultrafast optics
Modeling   and     simulation of laser-matter interaction at micro-and nanoscale
Modeling  and simulation
Modeling/simulation   and   design of all kinds of lasers and LEDs
MOEMS-MEMS   in     Photonics
Multiscale      modeling/simulation in optoelectronics and photonics
Nano-optoelectronics,      nano-antennas, nano-sources and confined light emitters
Nanophotonics,      plasmonics, near field optics
Nanoscale  Optics and     Photonics
Nanotechnologies   in   Photonics
Neural engineering
Nondestructive testing
Nonlinear    effects   in active and passive optical devices and systems
Nonlinear    effects   in plasmonics and nano-optics
Nonlinear   optical   materials and devices
Nonlinear   Optics and   Its Applications
Nonlinearity   in Optics   and Photonics
Nuclear   physics and   engineering
Nuclear engineering
Nuclear technology
Optical      Communications: Devices to Systems
Optical      measurement and instrumentation
Optical   and     Photonics Systems 
Optical   Fiber     and Communications
Optical   Metrology &   Instrumentation
Optical   Sensors
Optical   Simulation and   Design
Optics   and   Photonics For Energy Resilience
Optics  and   Photonics For Biomedical and Healthcare  Resilience
Optics  and   Photonics For Food Resilience
Optics  and   Photonics For ICT Resilience
Optics  and   Photonics For Industry and   Manufacturing Process
Optics  and   Photonics For National Security and   Defence
Optoelectronic  Devices   and Integration
Optoelectronic  Materials   and Devices
Optoelectronics  and   Laser applications
Optoelectronics  and   photonics
Organic  coherent/incoherent   photonics
PBG and  photonic   crystal devices
Photon  Counting   Applications
Photonic  Integration
Photonics   and     Plasmonics
Photonics  Materials   & Metamaterials
Photonics and Plasmonics
Physics   of     advanced and novel lasers
Plasma   physics and   optics
Plasma  physics
Polymer science
Power  electronics
Quantitative finance
Quantum electronics
Quantum information
Quantum   information,   quantum & optical computing, quantum entanglement
Quantum  Computing
Quantum  electronics
Quantum  Optics and   Quantum Information Transfer and Processing
Radio-Frequency Engineering
Radio-Frequency  Engineering
Relativistic  Plasma   Waves and Particle Beams as Coherent and Incoherent   Radiation  Sources
Renewable Energy
Research  Using   Extreme Light: Entering New Frontiers with Petawatt-Class Lasers
Resonators,  (micro)cavities   and beam propagation
Semiconductor   physics   and devices
Semiconductor  Lasers   and LEDS
Semiconductor  lasers   and nanotechnology
Semiconductor physics   and devices
Sensor  materials   and devices
Simulation/modeling   tools,   methods, approaches
Soil   physics
Solid-state physics
Solid-state,   liquid   and gas lasers and applications
Space physics
Specialty   fibers   including structured one and fiber lasers
Spintronics,  Spin   engineering
Statistical mechanics
Superconducting     materials
Systems biology
Technology  and   Applications of Intense, High Average Power Lasers Workshop
Theoretical  and   computational design of electromagnetic waveguiding and   specialty  photonic structures
Theoretical  and   computational studies of photonic links, networks and systems
Theory   and  computational   physics of nanostructures
Thin  films  and   nanostructured materials
THz   generation,   detection, guidance and control
Ultrafast   photonics
Ultra-fast  optical   processes in molecules and solids
Vehicle  dynamics
X-Ray  Free-Electron   Lasers: Advances in Source Development and   Instrumentation
X-Ray  Lasers   and   Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications