A new, low-cost wearable #nano_engineered device employs #thermoelectric generators to convert the body’s internal temperature into electricity. Researchers predict devices could appear on the market in five to 10 years.
The newly published Danish #nanotechnology_standard can be used to evaluate #nano_objects generated as products of degradation, wear, or from mechanical treatment processes from #medical_devices manufactured not using #nanomaterials.
Nanotechnology in #medical_devices #market is expected to reach a market value of USD 20.52 billion by 2027 growing with the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.9% in the forecast period of 2020-2027.
A new technique of producing large sheets of high-quality atomically-thin #graphene could lead to lightweight, flexible #solar devices and a new generation of #display_screens.
European Roadmap for #Graphene has highlighted the Development of #fuel_cells for transportation, 6G and beyond wireless networks, on-chip optical data and spin-logic-devices for 2030 and beyond.
The #quantum_dot #market will grow to 61.4 billion dollars with a growth rate of 61.4 % from 2019 to 2024. The largest demand in the market is for the #display and #monitor_devices.
Logic and memory devices that use #nanomagnetic mechanisms to store and manipulate information, require no #energy to maintain their magnetic state.
By functionalizing of #cellulose nanomaterials, new opportunities for products such as #pharmaceuticals, #chemical_sensors, #self_sterilizing surfaces, and electronic wood based devices may be achieved.
Nanotechnology and #IoT are beginning to touch almost every area of industry. #Microchip powered #sensor technology has the potential to power IoT devices.
#Nanosensors for food safety, functional #nanofibers and #3D_nanoelectronic_devices are among 7 strategic sectors of the 4th Nanotechnology General Development Plan of Korea.
The high stability and easy #manipulation of #Skyrmions could revolutionize energy-efficient information technologies including #memory and #logic_devices.