Workplace exposure - Measurement of exposure by inhalation of nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates - Metrics to be used such as number concentration, surface area concentration and mass concentration

Workplace exposure - Measurement of exposure by inhalation of nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates - Metrics to be used such as number concentration, surface area concentration and mass concentration

Standard Number NF EN 16966: 2018
Organization French national organization for standardization France
Level National
Category Specification
  • NOV 2018 Published
This document specifies the use of different metrics for the measurement of the inhalation exposure of NOAA during a basic assessment and a full assessment, respectively, as described in NF EN 17058. This document demonstrates the consequences of choosing a particle metric to express inhalation exposure to airborne NOAAs, for example from the suspension of nanomaterials, and presents the operating principles, advantages and disadvantages of various techniques for measuring the various parameters of aerosols.