Paints and varnishes – Terminology used

Paints and varnishes – Terminology used

Standard Number DS/EN ISO 4618:2023
Organization Danish Standards Denmark
Level National
Category Terminology | Vocabulary | Definition
  • MAR 2023 Published

This document defines terms used in the field of coating materials (paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes). Terms relating to specific applications and properties are dealt with in standards concerning those applications and properties, including corrosion protection (see the ISO 12944 series), coating powders (see ISO 8130-14), electro-deposition coatings (see ISO 22553-1) and rheology (see ISO 3219-1). Terms on nanotechnologies are harmonized with the ISO 80004 series. Terms on pigments and extenders are harmonized with ISO 18451-1.