The Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), an organization under MKE, has been
developing national standards to ensure safety and support marketing of consumer products containing
silver nanomaterials and CNTs. This work is due to Korea's role as an exporting country and to prepare for TBT (technical barrier to trade). KATS has published "Nanoparticle diameter measurement using TEM" (KSD 2716, 2008), and published KSA 6202(Guideline to safe handling of manufactured nanomaterials in workplace/laboratories as a national standard in 2009. KATS further proposed an international standard on "Preparation of MSDS (material safety data sheet) for nanomaterials", and is simultaneously developing a Korean standard for the preparation of MSDS in 2009. Guidelines for exposure monitoring, characterization, and safety assessment of nanomaterials such as CNTs and silver nanoparticles are in development. Accordingly, a guideline for exposure monitoring of nanomaterials has already been launched.