Standard Number | KS C IEC IEEE 62659:2022 |
Organization | Korean Agency for Technology and Standards |
Level | National |
Category | Management System |
Status |
This standard introduces nanoelectronic technology into large-scale semiconductor manufacturing facilities to provide a production system for mixing and manufacturing nanomaterials (eg, carbon nanotubes, graphene, quantum dots, etc.). Semiconductor manufacturing facilities must be configured in a way that ensures high yields, so there are strict requirements for the operation of manufacturing processes. Because nanomaterials are potential contaminants in semiconductor manufacturing facilities, they need to be used in an organized and systematic manner. This standard sets out steps to make it possible to introduce nanomaterials into semiconductor manufacturing facilities. This process is described below by area: raw material acquisition, material processing, design, IC (Integrated Circuit) fabrication, evaluation, and end use. These activities correspond to key steps in the supply chain at a semiconductor manufacturing facility.