Paper, paperboard, pulp and cellulosic nanomaterials - Determination of dry matter content by the chamber dryer method - Part 1: Materials in solid form

Paper, paperboard, pulp and cellulosic nanomaterials - Determination of dry matter content by the chamber dryer method - Part 1: Materials in solid form

Standard Number PN-EN ISO 638-1:2022-10
Organization Polish Committee for Standardization Poland
Level National
Category Test Method | Characterization | Measurement
  • OCT 2022 Published

This document specifies a chamber dryer method for the determination of the dry matter content of paper, board, pulp and cellulosic solid nanomaterials, all of which may be produced from virgin and/or recycled materials.
It is also applicable to the determination of the dry matter content of paper and board for recycling.
The procedure is applicable to paper, board and pulp and cellulosic nanomaterials that do not contain significant amounts of volatile materials at 105 °C ± 2 °C, other than water. Applicable, for example, to samples of pulp, paper and board, and cellulosic nanomaterials taken for chemical and physical testing in the laboratory, where simultaneous determination of the dry matter content is required.
This method is not applicable to the determination of the dry matter content of a pulp suspension or the determination of the commercial weight of a batch of pulp.
NOTE 1 ISO 638-2[1] gives a chamber dryer method for the determination of the dry matter content of suspensions of cellulosic nanomaterials, ISO 287[2] gives the determination of the moisture content of batches of paper and board; ISO 4119[3] specifies the pulp concentration; in the ISO 801[4] series, the designation of the commercial weight in batches is given.
NOTE 2 This document specifies the total dry matter of a sample, including any dissolved solids. If only dissolved solids free cellulosic material is desired, the dissolved solids are removed prior to the dry matter measurement, eg by washing or dialysis, taking care to retain all cellulosic material; in cases where the sample can be filtered without loss of solid cellulosic materials, ISO 4119[3] can be used to determine the consistency of the pulp (content of solid cellulosic material).