Date5th, Sep 2023


Scientists used a trapped-ion quantum computer to observe a single atom's interference pattern at a 'conical intersection,' crucial in rapid chemical processes. Continue reading to learn more.

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University of Sydney scientists used a quantum computer to slow down chemical reactions by 100 billion times, observing a fundamental process in chemical reactions, including photosynthesis.

Quantum Computer Slows Chemical Reactions by 100 Billion Times, Revealing Key Molecular Dance for the First Time

(Photo : Pixabay/Gerd Altmann) Quantum Computer Slows Chemical Reactions by 100 Billion Times, Revealing Key Molecular Dance for the First Time

Observing Conical Intersection for the First Time

The study, titled "Direct Observation of Geometric-Phase Interference in Dynamics Around a Conical Intersection" published in Nature Chemistry, centered on a phenomenon called a conical intersection within molecular interactions.

Conical intersections are specific locations in a molecule's structure where the energy levels of two surfaces become identical. These intersections act akin to channels connecting different electronic states, enabling swift transitions crucial for chemical reactions, such as those occurring in photosynthesis and in the retina's light detection.

Since these reactions happen incredibly swiftly, scientists had never before witnessed a conical intersection in real-time. To achieve this, researchers at the University of Sydney employed a trapped-ion quantum computer, a device capable of confining quantum particles in electric fields and manipulating them with lasers.

This innovative approach allowed them to significantly slow down the chemical dynamics, extending the observation from femtoseconds (a quadrillionth of a second) to milliseconds. By doing so, the researchers were able to obtain meaningful measurements of the reaction as it unfolded, presenting a direct analog observation of quantum dynamics happening at an observable pace.

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Why Observing Chemical Reactions Is Important

The experiment provided a direct analog observation of quantum dynamics, distinct from digital approximations, offering unprecedented insights into photo-chemical reactions like photosynthesis.

In these reactions, molecules swiftly exchange energy, forming conical intersections as critical points. The study effectively decelerated these dynamics using a quantum computer, unveiling anticipated yet previously unobserved hallmarks of conical intersections in photochemistry.

Associate Professor Ivan Kassal, the research team leader, expressed excitement about this groundbreaking result, emphasizing its potential to enhance our understanding of ultrafast molecular changes at the fastest timescales.

He also highlighted the significant advantage of having access to Australia's leading programmable quantum computer at the University of Sydney for conducting such critical experiments. This achievement represents a major step in directly observing and studying fundamental molecular processes

Grasping these high-speed molecular dynamics holds the potential to provide fresh perspectives on chemical reactions applicable across various domains, according to the scientists.

Vanessa Olaya Agudelo emphasized the significance of comprehending these fundamental molecular interactions, suggesting that it could lead to innovations in materials science, drug development, and solar energy capture.

Additionally, it might contribute to enhancements in processes where molecules interact with light, such as understanding the mechanisms behind smog formation and ozone layer depletion.

Dr. Ting Rei, one of the study's co-authors, expressed enthusiasm, stating that the collaboration of scientists represents a remarkable synergy between experimental quantum physicists and theoretical chemists. In the experiment, the team used innovative physics-based strategy to solve a long-standing challenge within the realm of chemistry. RELATED ARTICLE: New Formula Predicts the Impact of Noise in Quantum Computation for Imperfect Real-world Conditions

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