Date24th, Jul 2018


Humans need much more information to study a problem backwards in time than forwards, but a quantum computer can ignore the flow of time all together

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Home News Physics Daily news 24 July 2018 We might only see time because we can’t think in quantum physics A glass is much easier to smash than to unsmashSohl/GettyBy Leah CranePredicting the future is easy, if you are a physicist. Break a glass, and you can boldly assert that it will fall into a number of shards, assuming you know the initial conditions. Knowing the past is more difficult – you need to store much more information to piece a pile of broken glass back together. This “causal asymmetry” makes it easier to determine cause and effect and thus place events in order. But it doesn’t exist in the quantum world, say Mile Gu at Nanyang … Popular Horses remember if you smiled or frowned when they last saw you Robots and AI will actually create more jobs than they take No, mobile phones still won’t give you brain cancer Advertisement googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display('mpu-sidebar'); });