Date29th, Aug 2018


At this recent meeting, environmental, health and workers protection authorities as well as industry, science and civil society organisations discussed current topics in the area of nano governance.

Full text:

Aug 29, 2018 (Nanowerk News) At the annual "International Nano-Authorities dialogue" environmental, health and workers protection authorities as well as industry, science and civil society organisations from Germany, Austria, Luxemburg, Liechtenstein and Switzerland discuss current topics in the area of nano governance.

The 12th International Nano-Authorities dialogue

Invited by Germany, the 12th International Nano-Authorities dialogue took place from June 7 to 8, 2018. As in the previous years, the state of play of nano regulation was evaluated and recommendations on how to improve the (implementation) of European and national regulations were the focus of the discussions. The results and recommendations that were supported by all stakeholders are the basis for further discussions on the regulatory action needs and were documented in a so called "Roadmap 2025". The first draft of this roadmap from the year 2015 was and will be further developed in the future, to support the specification and coordination of measures and activities of the participating countries. The question of whether or not the regulation of novel materials, the so-called "advanced materials" should be included in the discussions and the "Roadmap 2025" was discussed at the 12th International Authorities Nano Dialogue for the first time. You'll find a report on the meeting here and the Roadmap 2025 here. A compilation of current reesarch projects in the areas of nanotechnologies in the 5 countries is here. (all documents in German). Source: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Subscribe to a free copy of one of our daily Nanowerk Newsletter Email Digests with a compilation of all of the day's news.
