Date21st, Aug 2018


Proteins that break down nerve agents while simultaneously pumping out the toxin’s antidote could one day be embedded in clothing or skin ointments

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Home News Health Technology Daily news 21 August 2018 Nanobots can eat nerve agents and then spit out an antidote There may soon be a new way to deal with dangerous nerve agentsRex/ShutterstockBy Chelsea WhyteFluid-pumping proteins that are embedded into jelly-like membranes could be used to intercept toxic nerve agents and deliver an antidote at the same time. Exposure to organophosphate nerve agents – which include Novichok nerve agents – can disrupt muscle function and lead to convulsions or difficulty breathing. Researchers have now shown that an enzyme can catalyse the breakdown of such compounds, creating a nanometre-sized pump that can both devour the nerve agent and spew out an antidote. “The nerve agents are their food, or fuel,” … Popular Cause of polycystic ovary syndrome discovered at last The ‘me’ illusion: How your brain conjures up your sense of self Prehistoric girl had parents belonging to different human species Advertisement googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display('mpu-sidebar'); });