Date25th, Sep 2018


WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Intel is participating in the White House summit on quantum information sciences with leaders from industry, academia and U.S. government agencies.

Full text:

September 24, 2018 06:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time

WASHINGTON--()--What’s New: Today, Intel participated in the White House summit on quantum information sciences with leaders from industry, academia and U.S. government agencies. The meeting, to further research and collaboration in quantum computing, was organized by the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Intel will take part in sessions on developing a quantum workforce and removing barriers to quantum innovation.

“When it comes to quantum computing, we are in mile one of a marathon. No single entity can deliver a quantum computer alone. We must partner with our government agencies, academia and other companies to further research and development and develop a quantum workforce. This technology will change the life of everyone on this planet, and we applaud the White House for pulling together this summit to advance American leadership in quantum computing.”– Dr. Jim Clarke, Intel’s director of quantum hardware

Why Now: The Summit coincides with the National Quantum Initiative Act, which is moving through Congress. The bill would authorize $1.3 billion in funding on quantum information sciences through 2023. The bill has bipartisan support. It passed the House of Representatives on Sept. 13, and is expected to be approved by the Senate.

Why it Matters: Quantum computing holds the promise to exponentially speed up certain algorithms compared with classical computers. If fully realized, quantum computers will have a profound impact on chemistry, medicine, finance, machine learning, artificial intelligence and more.

Quantum technology is in the early stages of development, and will need support from the government, industry and academia. The National Quantum Act will facilitate basic research and technology development. Intel sees opportunities with multiple government agencies to accelerate our internal programs, develop a workforce for computing’s next generation and deliver an important technology for the United States.

More Context: House Takes Important Step in U.S. Quantum Computing Initiative (Jim Clarke Blog) | Intel Applauds Bipartisan Congressional Effort to Accelerate Quantum Computing Research | Quantum Computing at Intel

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