Date26th, Sep 2018


Graphene – the "wonder material" that's stronger than steel and tougher than diamond – has recently found its way into experimental aircraft, clothing and concrete. And now Swiss wheelchair veteran Küschall has announced the Superstar, the first wheelchair to be built using the one atom thick form of carbon... Continue Reading Küschall makes Superstar wheelchair light and strong with some help from graphene Category: Health & Wellbeing Tags: Graphene Wheelchairs

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The Superstar's is reckoned to be lighter and tougher than classic carbon-fiber-based wheelchairs



The Superstar''s X-frame is fashioned from graphene



The Superstar''s X-frame is fashioned from graphene



The Superstar's is reckoned to be lighter and tougher than classic carbon-fiber-based wheelchairs



The Superstar's x-shaped geometry is said to result in increased performance and direct drive



The Superstar has LED rear lighting



The Superstar has an integrated seat cushion and a bespoke backrest



The Superstar has integrated LED lighting to the front



Mudguards will shield the Superstar user from whatever the wheels throw up



The Superstar's x-frame tips the scales at under 1.5 kg



The Superstar's bespoke backrest can be adjusted without needing to raid the toolbox


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Graphene – the "wonder material" that's stronger than steel and tougher than diamond – has recently found its way into experimental aircraft, clothing and concrete. And now Swiss wheelchair veteran Küschall has announced the Superstar, the first wheelchair to be built using the one atom thick form of carbon.

Küschall says that the Superstar has been developed using computer-aided design tools and will be produced in partnership with Formula 1 manufacturers, with each customer getting a tailor-made model to ensure a perfect fit. The company boasts that it will be 30 percent lighter yet 20 percent tougher than classic carbon wheelchairs.

The Superstar''s X-frame is fashioned from graphene
The Superstar''s X-frame is fashioned from graphene


"Superb power transfer through the entire frame will mean the Superstar responds rapidly with every movement, combined with impressive road dampening properties, the Superstar will provide an effortless glide anywhere you go," the company said in a press release.

Its X-shaped geometry is said to result in increased performance and direct drive, while promoting the correct user posture for increased efficiency and helping reduce the risk of upper body injuries.

The Superstar's x-shaped geometry is said to result in increased performance and direct drive
The Superstar's x-shaped geometry is said to result in increased performance and direct drive


There's an integrated seat cushion and a bespoke backrest that can be adjusted without needing to raid the toolbox. On either side of the footplate and to the rear of the mono post is an LED light built into the frame, which tips the scales at under 1.5 kg (3.3 lb), and mudguards will help shield the user from whatever the wheels throw up.

As of writing, there's no word on when production is due to begin, or how much the Superstar will cost. The promo video below has more.

Source: Küschall

Kuschall Superstar

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Paul Ridden

While Paul is loath to reveal his age, he will admit to cutting his IT teeth on a TRS-80 (although he won't say which version). An obsessive fascination with computer technology blossomed from hobby into career before hopping over to France for 10 years, where he started work for New Atlas in 2009. Now back in his native Blighty, he serves as Managing Editor in Europe.
