Date15th, Nov 2018


The proposed strategy relies on manipulating with high precision an unimaginably huge number of variables

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The proposed strategy relies on manipulating with high precision an unimaginably huge number of variables

15 Nov 2018

10 min read

Illustration: Christian Gralingen

Charles Q. Choi

Charles Q. Choi is a science reporter who contributes regularly to IEEE Spectrum. He has written for Scientific American, The New York Times, Wired, and Science, among others.


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MIT researchers discovered that algorithms designed to ensure greater fairness in network communications are unable to prevent situations where some users are hogging all the bandwidth.

Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT

Evan Ackerman

Evan Ackerman is a senior editor at IEEE Spectrum. Since 2007, he has written over 6,000 articles on robotics and technology. He has a degree in Martian geology and is excellent at playing bagpipes.

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