Date5th, Jun 2018


A theoretical breakthrough has shown that quantum computers are not just faster versions of ordinary computers, but something much stranger

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Daily news 4 June 2018 Quantum computers are weirder and more powerful than we thought The dilution refrigerator for the IBM Q quantum computerGraham Carlow/IBMBy Jacob AronOne of the biggest theoretical problems in quantum computing – just how much they differ from ordinary computers – has now been solved. The results suggest that these machines are far weirder than we thought. “It’s a big deal because this has been one of the fundamental unsolved problems of quantum complexity theory for a quarter century,” says Scott Aaronson at the University of Texas at Austin. Quantum computers are devices that solve problems using the weird rules of quantum physics. Unlike ordinary classical computers, which store … Popular Cause of polycystic ovary syndrome discovered at last Dentists can smell your fear – and it may put your teeth at risk H2Oh! Water is actually two liquids disguised as one Advertisement googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display('mpu-sidebar'); }); NEW SCIENTIST LIVE