World Congress on Petroleum Processing, Petrochemistry and Geology

Start Date Nov 9, 2018
End Date Nov 10, 2018
Event Type Congress
Subject Area Oil - Gas - Petrochemical


World Congress on Petroleum Processing, Petrochemistry and Geology, will be organized around the theme “Straddling the gap between miles & milestone ”. Petroleum Processing 2018 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Petroleum Processing 2018.


 - Geology and Environmental Sustainability
 - Track 2:Crude oil distillation & Excavation
 - Reservoir Engineering
 - Hydrotreating and Hydrocracking
 - Oil & Gas Management
 - Oceanography
 - Offshore Technologies and Pipeline-Storage
 - Sustainable Energy
 - Biofuels & Biodiesel
 - Nanotechnology in Oil and Gas Industry
 - Petrochemistry
 - Process Simulation & Process Design in chemical engg.
 - Marine Geology
 - Natural hazards in Petroleum industry