6th Asia Pacific Congress on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Start Date Sep 17, 2018
End Date Sep 18, 2018
Event Type Congress
Subject Area Nanochemistry Biology - Life science


6th Asia Pacific Congress on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, will be organized around the theme “Evolution of Chemical Engineering : Back to the Future”. Asia Chemical Engineering 2018 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Asia Chemical Engineering 2018.


 - Recent development in Catalysis
 - Advances in Chemical Technology
 - Advanced Surface Chemistry
 - Major challenges of Chemical Reaction Engineering
 - Trends in Biochemical Engineering
 - Agrochemicals
 - Reservoir Engineering
 - Heat Transfer Research Opportunities
 - New approaches to mass transfer
 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
 - Development in Food Technology
 - Modeling and Simulation
 - Petroleum and Petrochemicals research
 - Major challenges of Nano Technology
 - Current Advances of Industrial Separation Techniques
 - Water Science and Technology Advancement
 - Chemical Process safety and Hazards
 - Hydrogen Production Research