5th World Congress on Physics

Start Date Jul 17, 2018
End Date Jul 18, 2018
Event Type Congress
Subject Area Nanophysics


5th World Congress on Physics, will be organized around the theme “Exploring ideas in recent trends, Advancements and Innovations in Physics and allied concepts”.


 - Modern Astrophysics and Cosmology
 - Atomic and Molecular Physics
 - Acoustics
 - Condensed Matter Physics
 - Quantum Physics and Technology
 - Optics and Lasers
 - High Energy Nuclear Physics
 - Material Science and Engineering
 - Plasma Physics
 - Magnetism and Magnetic Matterials
 - Mathematical & Computational Physics
 - Electromagnetism and Electronics
 - Applied Physics
 - Nano-Technology
 - Medical Physcis and Biophysics
 - Spintronics
 - Many Body Physics
 - Advanced Materials and Funtional Devices
 - Organic Electronics
 - Graphene
 - Experimental Physics
 - Nanoscale Physics
 - Soft Condensed Matter Physics
 - Materials Physics
 - Space Physics