European Physics Conference 2018

Start Date Dec 6, 2018
End Date Dec 7, 2018
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanophysics


Physics-2018 is a unique opportunity to discuss and share experimental and theoretical knowledge on physics and those in other related concepts of physics. It will provide a forum for researchers in modeling and simulation to exchange information and discuss new ideas that benefit a wide area of accelerator science and technology. Physics-2018 is concerned with all aspects of nature, covering the behavior of objects under the action of given forces and the nature and origin of gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear force fields. The goal of physics-2018 is to formulate comprehensive principles that bring together and explain all discernible phenomena. 


 - Nuclear physics and Condensed Matter
 - Nano science
 - Astronomy and Astrophysics
 - Molecular and Optical Physics
 - Computational Physics
 - Acoustics and Echo
 - Quantum Mechanics and its Applications
 - Ultra Cold Atoms
 - Soft Matter Physics
 - Biophysics
 - Supernovas
 - Magnetism and Relativistic Physics
 - Holographic Memory
 - Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Physics
 - Geology and Geophysics
 - Photonics
 - Thermodynamics
 - Dark matter, Dark energy and Black holes
 - Applied Physics
 - Spintronics
 - Superconductivity