Worldwide congress on Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering

Start Date Feb 20, 2023
End Date Feb 21, 2023
Event Type Congress
Subject Area Nanoelectronics Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics Environment Nano Engineering Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Polymer - Nanocomposites Nanomaterials Others


Nanotech 2023 welcomes every one of the specialists and analysts from the Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering area everywhere on the world to go to the "Worldwide Congress on Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering ". (Nanotech 2023) which is going to be held on February 20-21, 2023 Paris, France with the theme of “Current Trends and Future Technologies of Nano Technology & Materials Engineering “  Nanotech 2023 gathering incorporates Feature introductions, Oral Introduction, Banner Introductions, Workshops, and Exhibitors.




- Nano Science: Latest Research, Innovation and Technology
- Advanced Nano Materials
- Materials science and Nanotechnology
- Molecular Nanotechnology
- 2D& 3D Materials & Smart Materials
- Polymer & Analytical Chemistry
- Applications of Nanotechnology
- Nano medicine and Nano Biotechnology
- Nanotechnology in Neuroscience
- Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering
- Nanotechnology in Energy and Environment
- Nano Electronics and Microsystems
- Nanostructures, Nano devices and Nano sensors
- Nano Physics & Polymer Science & Engineering