Location Australia Australia - Melbourne
Start Date Jul 18, 2018
End Date Jul 20, 2018
Event Type Congress
Subject Area Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics


15th Asia-Pacific Pharma Congress, will be organized around the theme “De Novo Advancements in Pharmaceutical Sciences”.


 - Regulatory Affairs and Intellectual Property Rights
 - Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
 - Pharmaceutics and Pharmacotherapeutics
 - Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology
 - Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
 - Pharmacology and Toxicology
 - Pharmaceutical Chemistry
 - Pharmaceutical Analysis
 - Pharmaceutical Microbiology
 - Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
 - Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy
 - Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance
 - Clinical Trials and Research
 - Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
 - Green and Community Pharmacy
 - Nutraceuticals and Natural Medicine
 - Pharmacy Education and Practice
 - Pharmaceutical Care and Health Systems
 - Pharma Manufacturing and Compliance