Location USA USA - San Francisco
Start Date Dec 3, 2018
End Date Dec 5, 2018
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics


This conference will be a valuable and important platform for inspiring international and interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of drug research. Over the course of 3 days, internationally-renowned speakers will describe how their research journey have developed in response to contemporary challenges: inspirational and innovative lessons in drug research. The attending experts and industry partners will also provide a fantastic networking experience.


 - Lead Optimization for Drug Metabolism & Safety
 - Biologics: Small Molecules, Adjuvants, Immunoassays
 - Anti-Infectives
 - Artificial Intelligence
 - Protein-Protein Interactions
 - Fragment-Based Drug Discovery
 - Kinase Inhibitor Chemistry
 - Innovative Drug Discovery and Nanotechnology
 - High throughput Technologies and RNAi Screening
 - Chemical approaches to Drug Discovery
 - Novel Approaches to Drug Design and Development
 - Structure-Based Drug Design
 - Computer-Aided Drug Design
 - Genomic Approaches to Drug Discovery
 - CNS and Cancer Targeted Drug Discovery
 - GPCR-Targeted Drug Design
 - Drug Efficacy and Toxicology
 - Biomarkers & Diagnostics
 - Modern Developments in Medicinal Chemistry