7th Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference 2018 (SNO CONFERENCE)

7th Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference 2018 (SNO CONFERENCE)

Location USA USA - Washington DC
Start Date Nov 8, 2018
End Date Nov 10, 2018
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Nanomaterials Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics Others


This year's SNO conference sessions represent a hybrid of topics on selected "systems" that contribute to sustainability and more traditional topics. Sessions will be populated with talks on applications, effects and implications, analytical methods, and lifecycle aspects of nanomaterials within each system. The aims are to identity where nanomaterials and nanotechnology can improve the sustainability of each system and to foster integration of knowledge between applications and implications within each system. We also aim to encourage papers on the applications of nanomaterials to sustainability. Papers on lifecycle aspects of nanomaterials within each system or across systems are encouraged. New developments in analytical methods and instrumentation are also welcome. Topics from prior conferences will be addressed under the current session topics.


 - Food/Agriculture

 - Water 

 - Fate and Exposure

 - Ecotoxicology 

 - Life Cycle

 - Sensors/Measurement

 - Green Synthesis 

 - Education/Social aspects

 - Nanomedicine/Alternative Test Methods

 - Novel Methods and Materials