GoNano Winter School: Creating Social Value with Nanotechnology

GoNano Winter School: Creating Social Value with Nanotechnology

Location Spain Spain - Barcelona
Start Date Feb 4, 2020
End Date Feb 7, 2020
Event Type Workshop & Summer School
Subject Area Nanoscience - Nanotechnology


Winter school participants will be introduced to the key concepts and definitions of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and co-creation, and how they can add value to R&I activities. These co-creation methodologies are widely applicable to technology transfer, policy and innovation processes across science, engineering and technology. This course will deliver a series of instructional and interactive teaching modules, exploring nanotechnology applications in the important areas of health, energy and food.

Teaching modules will address: Introduction to RRI and co-creation; Co-creation workshops; Interpreting results and observations from workshops and surveys; How to engage with citizens; How to engage with stakeholders; Communicating science effectively; Communicating risks effectively.