Nanotech Advanced Materials & Applications

Nanotech Advanced Materials & Applications

Location USA USA - Washington, DC
Start Date Jun 14, 2015
End Date Jun 17, 2015


The world’s largest nanotechnology event, Nanotech 2015, delivers application-focused research from the top international academic, government and private industry labs. Thousands of leading researchers, scientists, engineers and technology developers participate in Nanotech to identify new technology trends, development tools, product opportunities, R&D collaborations, and commercialization partners. Join the global community that has been working together for over 18 years to integrate nanotechnology into industry with a focus on scale, safety and cost-effectiveness.

The first Nanotechnology Conference and Expo – Nanotech 1998 – was held at in Santa Clara, California. A group of 250 scientists and researchers gathered to discuss and share developments, innovations and research in the growing, but still emerging science of Nanotechnology.The event was such a success that it became an annual event, attracting over 3,500 attendees in 2014.

Every year since those humble beginnings, the conference has grown in both scope and audience. It now ranks as the largest international nanotechnology conference in the world. The conference no longer exclusively focuses only on scientists and researchers, although sharing research and developments remains a cornerstone of the conference. Nanotech now reaches out to investors, venture capitalists and business executives interested in how nanotechnology can drive business in the 21st century.

Nanotech has continued to add vendors, a broader array of speakers and a diverse set of programs aimed at both scientists and business leaders. Nanotech 2015 is expected to be the largest conference to date.