Standard Test Method for Quantitative Measurement of the Chemoattractant Capacity of a Nanoparticulate Material in vitro

Standard Test Method for Quantitative Measurement of the Chemoattractant Capacity of a Nanoparticulate Material in vitro

Standard Number ASTM E3238-20
Organization American Society for Testing and Materials USA
Level National
Category Test Method | Characterization | Measurement
  • JAN 2020 Published

This test method will assess whether the test nanoparticulate material has chemoattractant activity. This test method will provide a rapid and quantitative measure of the ability of nanoparticulate material to recruit immune cells. Recruitment of immune cells by chemotaxis plays an important part in all phases of both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Testing the capacity of a nanoparticulate material to recruit immune cells in vitro helps in predicting the influence of such material on the immune cell response.