DD ISO/TS 10867:2010 Nanotechnologies. Characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes using near infrared photoluminescence spectroscopy
DD ISO/TS 10867 is the standard that provides guidelines for the characterization of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) using near infrared (NIR) photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy.
DD ISO/TS 10867 provides a measurement method for the determination of the chiral indices of the semi-conducting SWCNT in a sample and their relative integrated PL intensities.
The method can be expanded to estimate relative mass concentrations of semi-conducting SWCNTs in a sample from measured integrated PL intensities and knowledge of their PL cross-sections.
Discovery of band gap photoluminescence (PL) of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) has provided a new way to characterize their unique electronic properties induced by their low dimensionality.
The method can provide the chiral indices of the semi-conducting SWCNTs in a sample and their relative integrated PL intensities. With the knowledge of their PL cross-sections, the relative mass concentrations of semiconducting SWCNTs in a sample can be estimated.
Contents of DD ISO/TS 10867 include:
• Scope
• Normative references
• Terms and definitions
• Principles of band gap photoluminescence of SWCNTs
• Structure of SWCNTs
• Band structure and PL peaks
• Exciton effects
• NIR-PL apparatus
• NIR-PL spectrometer
• Light source
• Sample preparation methods
• Preparation of D2O dispersion for measurement
• Preparation of solid film dispersion for measurement
• Measurement procedures
• Data analysis and results interpretation
• Empirical rules for structural assignment
• Determination of the chiral indices of the semi-conducting SWCNTs in a sample
• Uncertainties
• Test report
• Case studies
• Bibliography