Nanotechnology - Assessment of the aquatic toxicity of artificial nanomaterials in saltwater lakes using Artemia sp. Nauplii

Nanotechnology - Assessment of the aquatic toxicity of artificial nanomaterials in saltwater lakes using Artemia sp. Nauplii

Standard Number NVN-ISO / TS 20787: 2018
Organization Netherlands Standardization Institute Netherlands
Level National
Category Test Method | Characterization | Measurement
  • JAN 2018 Published
NVN-ISO / TS 20787 specifies a test method, aiming to maximize repeatability and reliability of testing, to determine whether MNMs are toxic to aquatic organisms, specifically Artemia sp. nauplius. This document is intended to be used by ecotoxicological laboratories that are capable in the hatching and culturing of Artemia sp. and the evaluation of toxicity of nanomaterials using Artemia sp. nauplius. This method uses Artemia sp. nauplii in a simulated environment, artificial seawater, to assess effects of nanomaterials. This document is applicable to MNMs that consist of nano-objects such as nanoparticles, nanopowders, nanofibres, nanotubes, nanowires, as well as aggregates and agglomerates of such MNMs.