Standard Number | NEN-ISO 17867:2015 |
Organization | Netherlands Standardization Institute |
Level | National |
Category | Test Method | Characterization | Measurement |
Status |
Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a well-established technique that allows structural information to be obtained about inhomogeneities in materials with a characteristic length from 1 nm to 100 nm. Under certain conditions (narrow size distributions, appropriate instrumental configuration, and idealised shape) the limit of 100 nm can be significantly extended. This International Standard specifies a method for the application of SAXS to the estimation of mean particle sizes in dilute dispersions where the interaction between the particles is negligible. This International Standard allows two complementary data evaluation methods to be performed, model fitting and Guinier approximation. The most appropriate evaluation method shall be selected by the analyst and stated clearly in the report. SAXS is sensitive to electron density fluctuations. Therefore, particles in solution and pores in a matrix can be studied in same way.