Nanotechnologies - Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies

Nanotechnologies - Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies

Standard Number SASO-ISO-TR-12885:2012
Organization Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization Saudi Arabia
Level National
Category Guide | Practice
  • FEB 2012 Published

This Technical Report describes health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies. The initial outline was prepared using U. S. NIOSH's Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology: An Information Exchange with NIOSH. This Technical Report focuses on the occupational manufacture and use of engineered nanomaterials. It does not address health and safety issues or practices associated with nanomaterials generated by natural processes, hot processes and other standard operations which unintentionally generate nanomaterials, or potential consumer exposures or uses, though some of the information in this Technical Report might be relevant to those areas. For more general information on the environment, health and safety of nanotechnologies, the reader can refer to other existing well documented reviews. Use of the information in this Technical Report could help companies, researchers, workers and other people to prevent adverse health and safety consequences during the production, handling, use and disposal of manufactured nanomaterials. This advice is broadly applicable across a range of nanomaterials and applications. This Technical Report is based on current information about nanotechnologies, including characterization, health effects, exposure assessments, and control practices. The authors of the Technical Report have attempted to remain current with the use of terms and their definitions. However, definitions in this field are evolving and some terms have not yet undergone ISO consensus review. Therefore, the terms are intended to be used solely for the purpose of this Technical Report and not to be considered formal definitions beyond this Technical Report. It is expected that this Technical Report will be revised and updated and new safety standards will be developed as our knowledge increases and experience is gained in the course of technological advance.