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Team reviews phosphine ligand-induced structural transformation of metal nanoclusters   -   Scientific News Websites

A team of researchers has reviewed a unique method for reforming the structures of ultra-small nanomaterials. These nanomaterials, called metal nanoclusters, bridge the gap between the metal atom and the bulk metal, making them highly useful in bo...

Dec 7, 2023

Polaritons open up a new lane on the semiconductor highway

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

On the highway of heat transfer, thermal energy is moved by way of quantum particles called phonons. But at the nanoscale of today's most cutting-edge semiconductors, those phonons don't remove enough heat. That's why researchers ar...

Dec 7, 2023

Novel stem cell therapy using technology from mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may stimulate natural repair in treatment of chronic and acute liver disease

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

New research has found evidence that a novel stem cell treatment, using mRNA technology encapsulated into nanoparticles (LNP) that was successfully used to produce the COVID-19 vaccines, may boost the natural repair mechanism of the liver to regre...

Dec 7, 2023

Physicists 'entangle' individual molecules for the first time, hastening possibilities for quantum computing   -   Scientific News Websites

For the first time, a team of Princeton physicists have been able to link together individual molecules into special states that are quantum mechanically "entangled." In these bizarre states, the molecules remain correlated with each oth...

Dec 7, 2023

Polaritons open up a new lane on the semiconductor highway   -   Scientific News Websites

On the highway of heat transfer, thermal energy is moved by way of quantum particles called phonons. But at the nanoscale of today's most cutting-edge semiconductors, those phonons don't remove enough heat. That's why Purdue Univers...

Dec 7, 2023

Researchers create 3D DNA nanorobots   -   Scientific News Websites

Researchers at universities in New York and Ningbo, China, say they have created tiny robots built from DNA that can reproduce themselves.

Dec 7, 2023

Tiny llama nanobodies neutralize different noroviruses—can they improve human anti-viral therapies?   -   Scientific News Websites

Human noroviruses cause acute gastroenteritis, a global health problem for which there are no vaccines or antiviral drugs. Although most healthy patients recover completely from the infection, norovirus can be life-threatening in infants, the elde...

Dec 7, 2023

Q-CTRL Improving Quantum Computers Thousands of Times |

NextBigFuture   -   Scientific News Websites

Q-CTRL has raised a total of over $70 million. They provide quantum error suppression and quantum error mitigation to improve the performance of quantum computers (superconducting, trapped ion, neutral atom).

Dec 7, 2023

Nano and Macro Worlds Collide to Form Self-Assembling Cavity

AZoNano   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Increasing the intensity of the interaction between light and matter to create, for example, better photodetectors or quantum light sources is a key objective in quantum optics and photonics.

Dec 7, 2023

Global Quantum Computer Market |

NextBigFuture   -   Scientific News Websites

the Global Quantum Computer market is $848 million in 2023 and is growing to about $1.5 billion in 2026.

Dec 7, 2023