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Results: 30103
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Researchers develop graphene-based battery-free lactic acid sensor

Graphene Info   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Scientists at the University of Bath, working in collaboration with Integrated Graphene, have created a new type of chemosensor (demonstrated for lactic acid sensing) which functions with electricity but without the need for reference electrodes o...

May 23, 2024

Researchers enhance superconductivity of graphene-calcium superconductors

Graphene Info   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Researchers from Japan's Tokyo Institute of Technology and Institute for Molecular Science recently investigated the impact of high-density Ca introduction to C6CaC6 - a graphene-calcium compound which exhibits high critical temperature. In t...

May 22, 2024

Designing a tiny new tool to map and treat children's brain cancer   -   Scientific News Websites

Medulloblastoma is the most common cancerous brain tumor in children, and fighting it requires an approach that is delicate, durable, and direct. Now a group of researchers at UQ's Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (A...

May 21, 2024

Powering wearable devices with high-performing carbon nanotube yarns   -   Scientific News Websites

With the growth of the Internet of Things, sustainable solutions for powering wireless sensors and devices are considered important. Thermoelectric generators, for example, which have the ability to convert waste heat into electricity, can offer a...

May 21, 2024

Scientists' new drug-delivery technology is possible breakthrough for multi-strain vaccines   -   Scientific News Websites

A new way to deliver drugs using a common protein could be used to develop mosaic vaccines, which are vaccines effective against multiple strains of a virus like COVID-19, among other medicines in a global first.

May 21, 2024

Shining a light on molecules: L-shaped metamaterials can control light direction   -   Scientific News Websites

Polarized light waves spin clockwise or counterclockwise as they travel, with one direction behaving differently than the other as it interacts with molecules. This directionality, called chirality or handedness, could provide a way to identify an...

May 21, 2024

Powering wearable devices with high-performing carbon nanotube yarns

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

With the growth of the Internet of Things, sustainable solution for powering wireless sensors and devices are considered important. Thermoelectric generators, for example, which have the ability to convert waste heat into electricity can offer a s...

May 21, 2024

Printed organic transistors achieve record performance and 3D circuit density

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Organic semiconductors have long held promise for enabling deformable electronic devices that can be manufactured at low cost and high volumes using printing techniques. However, realizing this vision has been hampered by the relatively poor perfo...

May 21, 2024

Using hybrid nanotubes to enhance cancer treatment with intracellular protein delivery   -   Scientific News Websites

The intracellular delivery of proteins is an important technique for unveiling the cellular functions, protein complex structure, and therapeutics. However, conventional delivery methods have several limitations.

May 20, 2024

Method for producing sulfur compounds in cells shows promise for tissue repair   -   Scientific News Websites

Sulfur-based compounds produced in our bodies help fight inflammation and create new blood vessels, among other responsibilities, but the compounds are delicate and break down easily, making them difficult to study.

May 20, 2024