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This Molecule Is a Nanoscale Bulldozer

Scientific American   -   Scientific News Websites

Researchers discovered that a heart-shaped molecule will jump in straight lines when given an electric jolt

Dec 1, 2023

Zapping Plastic Waste Can Produce Clean Fuel

Scientific American   -   Scientific News Websites

Can waste plastic can be converted into hydrogen gas and a type of graphene—at a profit?

Dec 1, 2023

PicoRuler: Molecular rulers for high-resolution microscopy

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

A team presents a groundbreaking advance for the world of high-resolution fluorescence microscopy: The innovative method enables researchers for the first time to use biomolecules as molecular rulers to calibrate the latest super-resolution micros...

Dec 1, 2023

Harvesting more solar energy with supercrystals

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Hydrogen is a building block for the energy transition. To obtain it with the help of solar energy, researchers have developed new high-performance nanostructures. The material holds a world record for green hydrogen production with sunlight.

Dec 1, 2023

Brainstorming with a bot

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Electronic nanomaterials experts have imagined how recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) could aid scientific brainstorming and ideation. To accomplish this, they have developed a chatbot with knowledge in the k...

Dec 1, 2023

New molecular rulers for super-resolution microscopy: A breakthrough in biological imaging

News Medical   -   Scientific News Websites

Latest super-resolution microscopy methods now achieve an optical resolution in the range of a few nanometers.

Dec 1, 2023

Researcher develops a chatbot with an expertise in nanomaterials   -   Scientific News Websites

A researcher has just finished writing a scientific paper. She knows her work could benefit from another perspective. Did she overlook something? Or perhaps there's an application of her research she hadn't thought of. A second set of ey...

Dec 1, 2023

Replicating the structure of bird feathers with rubber nanostructures

Tech Xplore   -   Scientific News Websites

The eastern bluebird is a special bird. The blue of its feathers is unique. However, this color is not based on pigments but on the special structure of the feather. Viewed under the microscope, the feathers are traversed by a network of channels ...

Dec 1, 2023

Achieving Uniform Shrinkage of 3D-Printed Nanoscale Structures

AZoNano   -   Nanotechnology Websites

3D printing is transforming the production of intricate structures on a large scale, impacting everything from residences to hearing aids.

Dec 1, 2023

Harvesting more solar energy with two-dimensional supercrystals   -   Scientific News Websites

When Emiliano Cortés goes hunting for sunlight, he doesn't use gigantic mirrors or sprawling solar farms. Quite the contrary, the professor of experimental physics and energy conversion at LMU dives into the nanocosmos.

Dec 1, 2023