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Light activated nanomedicine ushers in a new era for age-related macular degeneration therapy

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Novel light-activated nanomedicine offers a new, minimally invasive treatment for age-related macular degeneration.

Nov 27, 2023

Injectable nanoscale stimulator transforms spinal cord therapy and motor function recovery

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Innovative thin, injectable stimulator enhances spinal therapy, enabling precise motor function recovery in neuromotor disease treatment.

Nov 27, 2023

All-weather solar-powered CO₂ utilization achieved by mimicking natural photosynthesis   -   Scientific News Websites

In a study published in National Science Review, researchers from the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), together with collaborators, have used the charge storage mechanism of tungsten-based nanomaterials for ...

Nov 27, 2023

Research advances magnetic graphene for low-power electronics   -   Scientific News Websites

National University of Singapore (NUS) physicists have developed a concept to induce and directly quantify spin splitting in two-dimensional materials. By using this concept, they have experimentally achieved large tunability and a high degree of ...

Nov 27, 2023

Oral delivery a possibility for silica-based C'Dots

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Ultrasmall fluorescent core-shell hybrid silica nanoparticles are among the nanocarriers for therapeutics that were thought to be viable only by injection, but new research has shown the potential for their oral administration.

Nov 27, 2023

CRISPR enhanced nanotweezers for ultra-precise DNA manipulation and detection

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

CRISPR enhanced optothermal nanotweezers represent a technological breakthrough, offering unparalleled precision in DNA targeting and detection, transforming the landscape of genetic analysis and biosensing.

Nov 27, 2023

CRISPR-powered optothermal nanotweezers   -   Scientific News Websites

Optothermal nanotweezers are an innovative optical design method that has revolutionized classical optical techniques to capture a broad range of nanoparticles. While the optothermal temperature field can be employed for in situ regulation of nano...

Nov 27, 2023

Carbon nanotubes and the sustainability puzzle

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

An international team of researchers receives over $4M to advance understanding of carbon nanotube synthesis and its potential for producing industrial materials more sustainably.

Nov 27, 2023

New GIANCE project focuses on graphene-based solutions for environmental challenges

Graphene Info   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

The GIANCE research project officially commenced on October 1st, marking a step toward addressing environmental challenges with innovative solutions.

Nov 27, 2023

Medical nanobots could communicate by releasing molecules into bloodstream

New Atlas   -   Scientific News Websites

Implants and tiny machines could eventually be working inside our bodies to help treat disease or monitor activity, but letting them communicate is tricky. Now scientists at EPFL have developed a system whereby devices can communicate by releasing...

Nov 27, 2023