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Quantum Control Breakthrough a Game Changer for Next-Gen Electronics and Computers

SciTechDaily   -   Scientific News Websites

For the first time, researchers demonstrated how to electronically alter the direction of electron flow in promising materials for quantum computing.

Nov 1, 2023

Nanowire 'brain' network learns and remembers 'on the fly'

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Like a collection of 'Pick Up Sticks', this neural network has passed a critical step for developing machine intelligence. For the first time, a physical neural network has successfully been shown to learn and remember 'on the fly&#...

Nov 1, 2023

Scientists use supercomputers to make optical tweezers safer for living cells   -   Scientific News Websites

Optical tweezers manipulate tiny things like cells and nanoparticles using lasers. While they might sound like tractor beams from science fiction, the fact is their development garnered scientists a Nobel Prize in 2018.

Nov 1, 2023

Energy Harvesting for Wearable Technology Steps Up

IEEE Spectrum   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Wearable devices, like nearly every other piece of tech, need energy. Fortunately, though, at wearables’ modest power budgets, energy is effectively everywhere. It’s in the sun’s rays and radio waves, the skin’s sweat and body heat, a person’s mot...

Nov 1, 2023

New Method to Enhance Immunostimulation

AZoNano   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Researchers from Northwestern Medicine have reported in ACS Nano that they have improved the process of producing vaccinations and medications using nanotherapeutics. Image Credit: ACS Nano...

Nov 1, 2023

Researchers develop evaluation technique for radio-frequency components used in quantum computers

Tech Xplore   -   Scientific News Websites

The development of quantum computers is underway around the world, and much attention is focused on increasing the number of qubits that perform operations. On the other hand, looking at the entire system of a quantum computer, the number of RF co...

Nov 1, 2023

Neutralizing electronic inhomogeneity in cleaved bulk MoS₂   -   Scientific News Websites

Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is a highly versatile material that can function, for example, as a gas sensor or as a photocatalyst in green hydrogen production. Although the understanding of a material usually starts from investigating its bulk crys...

Nov 1, 2023

Bioprospecting the unknown: How bacterial enzymes encoded by unknown genes might help clean up pollution   -   Scientific News Websites

Enzymes are biological nanomachines. They make almost all of life's chemistry happen, when and where required. Because of their versatility and power, enzymes can be very useful for biotechnology. Taken outside of living cells, they can be us...

Nov 1, 2023

A liquid water-molecule-based graphene heterogeneous photodetector and its application in an oximeter   -   Scientific News Websites

In the context of the development of smart health care towards digitalization, the new generation of photodetectors has a wide range of application prospects and huge market value. The characteristics of graphene material, such as large carrier mo...

Nov 1, 2023

Neural Networks Go Nano: Brain-Inspired Learning Takes Flight

SciTechDaily   -   Scientific News Websites

Critical step passed for developing agile, low-energy machine intelligence.

Nov 1, 2023