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Plant virus recruited to save crops from root-eating nematodes

New Atlas   -   Scientific News Websites

Plant parasitic nematodes are microscopic soil-dwelling creatures that damage crops by feeding on their roots. Scientists have now developed a greener and more efficient means of eradicating them, using a modified plant virus.

Sep 22, 2023

Can cloud-based quantum computing really offer a quantum advantage?   -   Scientific News Websites

A quantum machine can drastically speed up certain kinds of computation, but only if two or more quantum bits in the machine are entangled—that is, capable of displaying related behavior despite being separated.

Sep 22, 2023

How does voltage drive nonmetallic catalysts to perform electrocatalytic reactions?   -   Scientific News Websites

Understanding how voltage drives nanoscale electrocatalysts to initiate reactions is a fundamental scientific question. This is especially challenging when dealing with non-metallic electrocatalysts due to their low inherent carrier concentration,...

Sep 22, 2023

Gold nanoclusters can improve electrochemical water splitting to produce hydrogen   -   Scientific News Websites

As energy demand continues to rise, research into new, efficient renewable and clean energy sources is an urgent priority. Currently, renewable energy sources like solar, wind, tide, and geothermal make up less than 40% of the current energy deman...

Sep 22, 2023

Efficient fuel-molecule sieving using graphene

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

A research team has successfully developed a new method that can prevent the crossover of large fuel molecules and suppress the degradation of electrodes in advanced fuel cell technology using methanol or formic acid. The successful sieving of the...

Sep 22, 2023

Efficient fuel-molecule sieving using graphene   -   Scientific News Websites

A research team led by the University of Tsukuba has successfully developed a new method that can prevent the crossover of large fuel molecules and suppress the degradation of electrodes in advanced fuel cell technology using methanol or formic acid.

Sep 22, 2023

Improving the Properties of Sweeteners for Enhanced Thermal Energy Storage

Tokyo Institute of Technology   -   Organizations and Universities Websites

A solution to enhance the thermal energy storage of sugar alcohols has been developed by researchers from Tokyo Tech. They achieved this by confining sugar alcohols, commonly used sweeteners, in the pores of a covalent organic framework (COF), eff...

Sep 22, 2023

Graphene membranes improve fuel cell efficiency by blocking fuel crossover

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Scientists have successfully developed a new method that can prevent the crossover of large fuel molecules and suppress the degradation of electrodes in advanced fuel cell technology using methanol or formic acid.

Sep 22, 2023

Novel nanoribbons could improve battery & solar cell efficiency

New Atlas   -   Scientific News Websites

Researchers have created a new family of nanomaterials by alloying phosphorus with arsenic to create single-atom-thick ribbons that are highly conductive, making them ideal candidates for use in next-generation batteries, solar cells and quantum c...

Sep 22, 2023

Researchers develop method for wiring up individual graphene nanoribbons

Graphene Info   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana─Champaign and the University of Nebraska─Lincoln have developed a method for "wiring up" graphene nanoribbons (GNRs). Using a direct-write scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) based pr...

Sep 22, 2023