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Tiny submersible may one day explore ice-covered extraterrestrial oceans

New Atlas   -   Scientific News Websites

Although Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa both have ice-covered surfaces, it is believed that oceans may exist beneath that ice. The TRIPLE-nanoAUV 2 project is aimed at getting an uncrewed submersible into those oceans,...

Sep 13, 2023

How Tiny Schrödinger’s Cats Could Upend Quantum Again

IEEE Spectrum   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

The building blocks of quantum computers are often thought to imitate the famous thought experiment known as Schrödinger’s cat, in which quantum physics essentially suspends a cat in a box in a nebulous state between life and death: The cat only d...

Sep 13, 2023

New tool measures plasma source and color of light simultaneously to improve microchip production   -   Scientific News Websites

Researchers at MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology developed a tool that can measure the size of a plasma source and the color of the light it emits simultaneously. "Measuring both at the same time enables us to further improve lithography mac...

Sep 13, 2023

Quantum Mpemba effect hints at faster quantum computers – Physics World

Physics World   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Counterintuitive cooling phenomenon appears in a model system of quantum dots connected to two reservoirs The post Quantum Mpemba effect hints at faster quantum computers appeared first on Physics World.

Sep 13, 2023

Versarien's turnaround strategy to benefit from Gnanomat's new funding

Graphene Info   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Versarien has reported that its Spanish business has secured funding for a new project, in a boost to the group’s turnaround strategy. The Company said its majority-owned subsidiary, Gnanomat, has been awarded a grant of around €415,000 (around US...

Sep 13, 2023

A scalable and user-friendly platform for physicists to carry out advanced quantum experiments, cheaply   -   Scientific News Websites

Quantum computers can solve certain computational problems much faster than ordinary computers by using specific quantum properties. The basic building blocks of such machines are called quantum-bits or qubits. Qubits can be realized using several...

Sep 13, 2023

Scientists unlock reversible twisting of nanoscale materials

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

For the first time, researchers have demonstrated reversible twisting and untwisting of nanoscale cobalt-based helices, introducing transformable 'elastic crystals' with wide applications.

Sep 13, 2023

Copper Doping Unlocks New Potential for Tungsten Oxide Nanocrystals

AZoNano   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Sunlight is an unlimited source of energy, and using sunlight to produce electricity is one of the bases of renewable energy. A research group from Hokkaido University, headed by Assistant Professor Melbert Jeem and Professor Seiichi Watanabe at t...

Sep 13, 2023

Scientists reveal twisting-untwisting-retwisting cycle of nanohelices   -   Scientific News Websites

Reversible nanohelix transformation is one of the most exquisite and important phenomena in nature. Nanomaterials rarely form helical crystals. Due to the irreversibility of the twisting forces studied so far, untwisting is more difficult than ret...

Sep 13, 2023

Copper-infused nanocrystals boost infrared light conversion   -   Scientific News Websites

Sunlight is an inexhaustible source of energy, and utilizing sunlight to generate electricity is one of the cornerstones of renewable energy. More than 40% of the sunlight that falls on Earth is in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet spectra; ho...

Sep 13, 2023