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What does graphene do in our lungs?

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Researchers have conducted the first studies on a three-dimensional lung model to examine the behavior of graphene and graphene-like materials once they have been inhaled.

Oct 18, 2018

Alloy nanoparticles cut cost of platinum and increase life of hydrogen fuel cells

New Atlas   -   Scientific News Websites

A team of Brown University scientists has developed a new catalyst that could make hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles more economical. Based on nanoparticles made of an alloy of platinum and cobalt, the new catalyst is not only cheaper th...

Oct 18, 2018

Tang family gift supports MIT.nano, MIT Quest for Intelligence

MIT News   -   Organizations and Universities Websites

$20 million gift names imaging suite in new facility, creates catalyst fund.

Oct 18, 2018

Nanodiamonds as photocatalysts

EurekAlert   -   Scientific News Websites

Diamond nanomaterials are considered hot candidates for low-cost photocatalysts. They can be activated by light and can then accelerate certain reactions between water and CO2 and produce carbon-neutral 'solar fuels'. The EU project DIAC...

Oct 18, 2018

Nanocages in the lab and in the computer: how DNA-based dendrimers transport nanoparticles

EurekAlert   -   Scientific News Websites

How to create nanocages, i.e., robust and stable objects with regular voids and tunable properties? Short segments of DNA molecules are perfect candidates for the controllable design of novel complex structures. Physicists investigated methodologi...

Oct 18, 2018

Extremely small magnetic nanostructures with invisibility cloak imaged

EurekAlert   -   Scientific News Websites

In novel concepts of magnetic data storage, it is intended to send small magnetic bits back and forth in a chip structure, store them densely packed and read them out later. The magnetic stray field generates problems when trying to generate parti...

Oct 18, 2018

Study provides insight into how nanoparticles interact with biological systems

EurekAlert   -   Scientific News Websites

Personal electronic devices are a growing source of the world's electronic waste. Many of these products use nanomaterials, but little is known about how nanoparticles interact with the environment. Now a research team including Northwestern ...

Oct 18, 2018

Breakthrough in accessing the tiny magnet within the core of a single atom

EurekAlert   -   Scientific News Websites

IBS-QNS researchers in South Korea have made a major scientific breakthrough by detecting the nuclear magnetism, or 'nuclear spin' of a single atom. In an international collaboration with IBM Research, the University of Oxford and the In...

Oct 18, 2018

Neuroscience 2018 Encourages Collaboration and Conversation

Photonics Media   -   Scientific News Websites

  The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Neuroscience 2018 conference is the world’s largest neuroscience conference for scientists and physicians who are devoted to understanding the brain and nervous system. To be held Nov. 3-7 at the San Diego Con...

Oct 17, 2018

Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: Iranian Firm Offering Nano-Products on Chinese Market

Nanotechnology Now   -   Nanotechnology Websites

An Iranian knowledge-based company has found its way to the Chinese market by producing nanocomposites.

Oct 17, 2018