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New study finds folding graphene significantly enhances mechanical performance   -   Scientific News Websites

An international team of researchers, affiliated with UNIST has discovered that folding is an efficient strategy to incorporate large-area monolayer graphene films on polymer composites and that doing so improves mechanical reinforcement. Their wo...

Jul 16, 2018

Folding graphene significantly enhances mechanical performance

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

A research team succeeded in folding an A5-sized, 400nm polycarbonate film in half 12 times.

Jul 16, 2018

Quantum Dot White LEDs Achieve Record Efficiency   -   Scientific News Websites

Researchers have demonstrated nanomaterial-based white-light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that exhibit a record luminous efficiency of 105 lumens per watt. Luminous efficiency is a measure of how well a light source uses power to generate light. With fu...

Jul 16, 2018

High-tech dentures: Fighting bacteria with nanotechnology

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Researchers optimize dentures with nanostructured surfaces.

Jul 16, 2018

X-rays burst chemo-filled nanobubbles for targeted cancer drug delivery

New Atlas   -   Scientific News Websites

Researchers at the Center for Nanoscale BioPhotonics (CNBP) have developed a new targeted treatment for cancer. Chemotherapy drugs are wrapped in "nano-bubbles" called liposomes, which are then injected into the desired part of the body an...

Jul 16, 2018

Polymeric nanoparticles improve delivery of therapeutic messenger RNA

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Polymeric nanoparticles can efficiently administer mRNA to cells of the lungs, liver, and other organs.

Jul 16, 2018

Brighter microscopy using built-in nanobulbs

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Hybrid nanoparticle can attach to microscope tips and light up objects too tiny to see with typical optical beams.

Jul 16, 2018

A silicon-nanoparticle photonic waveguide

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

A line of silicon nanoparticles can transport light efficiently on small scales.

Jul 16, 2018

New materials improve delivery of therapeutic messenger RNA

MIT News   -   Organizations and Universities Websites

Polymeric nanoparticles can efficiently administer mRNA to cells of the lungs, liver, and other organs.

Jul 16, 2018

Room temperature superconductivity evidence with graphene in contact with alkanes |

NextBigFuture   -   Scientific News Websites

Arxiv – Observation of the Meissner effect at room temperature in single-layer graphene brought into contact with alkanes There are claims of synthesis of a room temperature superconductor. However, these claims have not been officially acce...

Jul 14, 2018