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UV narrow-band photodetector based on indium oxide nanocrystals   -   Scientific News Websites

An international team of researchers from Russia and India has created a narrow-band UV photodetector based on indium oxide nanocrystals embedded in a thin film of aluminum oxide

Jul 6, 2018

Springer Nature and Tsinghua University Press present the fifth Nano Research Award

AZoNano   -   Nanotechnology Websites

The annual Nano Research Award, which is sponsored by Tsinghua University Press (TUP) and Springer Nature, was presented to two outstanding scientists on 1 July 2018 in Chengdu, China. Lei Jiang is...

Jul 6, 2018

Bringing fullerene closer to semiconducting polymer boosts the efficiency of organic solar cells

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Fine-tuning the structures of polymers can maximize the light-conversion ability of organic solar-cell systems.

Jul 6, 2018

Graphene foam could one day ease osteoarthritis joint pain and prevent the need for joint replacement

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Researchers test how graphene foam might function under forces like high impact.

Jul 6, 2018

Nanofiber-based wound dressings induce production of antimicrobial peptide

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Nanofiber-based wound dressings loaded with vitamin D spur the production of an antimicrobial peptide, a key step forward in the battle against surgical site infections, or SSIs.

Jul 5, 2018

Nanofiber-based wound dressings induce production of antimicrobial peptide   -   Scientific News Websites

Nanofiber-based wound dressings loaded with vitamin D spur the production of an antimicrobial peptide, a key step forward in the battle against surgical site infections, or SSIs.

Jul 5, 2018

Nanofiber-based wound dressings induce production of antimicrobial peptide

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Nanofiber-based wound dressings loaded with vitamin D spur the production of an antimicrobial peptide, a key step forward in the battle against surgical site infections.

Jul 5, 2018

Capasso Group Develops Flat Lenses with Same Technology Used to Make Chips

Photonics Media   -   Scientific News Websites

Optics and lenses are everywhere. They’re in laptops, cameras, and telescopes. Focusing the entire visible spectrum with lenses has been a challenge because each wavelength moves through materials at different speeds. Red wavelengths will move thr...

Jul 5, 2018

Graphene Photodetector Demonstrates Speed, High Responsivity

Photonics Media   -   Scientific News Websites

A new photodetector, made with graphene, can operate across a broader range of wavelengths and process images faster than existing photodetectors. The detector is also more sensitive to low levels of light than current technology. The photodete...

Jul 5, 2018

UV narrow-band photodetector based on indium oxide nanocrystals

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

An international team of researchers has created a narrow-band UV photodetector based on indium oxide nanocrystals embedded in a thin film of aluminum oxide.

Jul 5, 2018