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Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: Density gradient ultracentrifugation for colloidal nanostructures separation and investigation

Nanotechnology Now   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGUC), as an effective method for the purification of nanomaterials, has attracted tremendou attentions of researchers. A recent review was reported by Science Bu...

Jun 6, 2018

Terahertz Frequency Pulses Uncover Hidden State of Matter

Photonics Media   -   Scientific News Websites

Researchers have used ultrafast photonics to visualize electrons interacting as a hidden state of matter in a superconductive alloy. When fully understood and tuned, this state of matter could be used for faster, heat-free quantum computing, infor...

Jun 6, 2018

Single molecular insulator pushes boundaries of current state of the art

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Researchers have synthesized the first molecule capable of insulating at the nanometer scale more effectively than a vacuum barrier. The team's insight was to exploit the wave nature of electrons. By designing an extremely rigid silicon-based mole...

Jun 6, 2018

Single molecular insulator pushes boundaries of current state of the art   -   Scientific News Websites

Ever shrinking transistors are the key to faster and more efficient computer processing. Since the 1970s, advancements in electronics have largely been driven by the steady pace with which these tiny components have grown simultaneously smaller an...

Jun 6, 2018

Label-Free Microscopy Analyzes Dynamics of Cell Membranes

Photonics Media   -   Scientific News Websites

A new live-cell imaging technique will enable researchers to observe the formation and growth of cell membrane focal adhesions. Examining focal adhesions — cell membrane components that regulate adhesion and migration — is one of the keys to under...

Jun 6, 2018

Gold Nanojunction Gives MoS2 Desirable Properties as Semiconductor

AZoNano   -   Nanotechnology Websites

In the recent years, graphene has most definitely been the most prominent research subject of nanotechnology. Composed of pure carbon, this astonishing material is ideally easy to produce: taking...

Jun 6, 2018

Density gradient ultracentrifugation for colloidal nanostructures separation and investigation   -   Scientific News Websites

Density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGUC), as an effective method for the purification of nanomaterials, has attracted research. A recent review was reported by Science Bulletin in a paper titled "Density gradient ultracentrifugation for colloid...

Jun 6, 2018

Nanotechnology for plant nutrition

Nanowerk   -   Nanotechnology Websites

Using a nanometric transport platform on plants that was previously utilized for targeted drug delivery, researchers increased the penetration rate of nutrients into the plants, from 1% to approximately 33%.

Jun 6, 2018

Nanotechnology Now - Press Release: Promising news from biomedicine: DNA origami more resilient than previously understood

Nanotechnology Now   -   Nanotechnology Websites

The DNA origami technique is a widely used method for making complex, yet well-defined nanostructures, with applications in biophysics, molecular biology, as well as drug and enzyme delivery. A major...

Jun 5, 2018

Scientists Discover Light, Gold Thin Films Interaction

Photonics Media   -   Scientific News Websites

Physicists have devised a way to determine the electronic properties of thin gold films after they interact with light, a discovery that could further scientific understanding of how light affects materials. When the energy of a photon is transf...

Jun 5, 2018