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Scientists gain new visibility into quantum information transfer

MIT News   -   Organizations and Universities Websites

Advance holds promise for “wiring” of quantum computers and other systems, and opens new avenues for understanding basic workings of the quantum realm.

Mar 8, 2018

Insulator or superconductor? Physicists find graphene is both

MIT News   -   Organizations and Universities Websites

When rotated at a "magic angle," graphene sheets can form an insulator or a superconductor.

Mar 5, 2018

Comparison Shows Value of DNA Barcoding in Selecting Nanoparticles | Research Horizons

Georgia Tech   -   Organizations and Universities Websites

The first direct comparison of in vivo and in vitro screening techniques for identifying nanoparticles that may be used to transport therapeutic molecules into cells shows that testing in lab dishes isn’t much help in predicting which nan...

Mar 5, 2018

Leading MIT.nano

MIT News   -   Organizations and Universities Websites

Vladimir Bulović will be first director of the Institute's new nanoscience and nanotechnology facility.

Mar 1, 2018

Printed Sensor Monitors Tire Tread in Real Time

IEEE Spectrum   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

A carbon nanotube sensor measures millimeter-scale changes in rubber thickness

Feb 26, 2018

Printed Sensor Monitors Tire Tread in Real Time

IEEE Spectrum   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

A carbon nanotube sensor measures millimeter-scale changes in rubber thickness

Feb 26, 2018

Your Guide to Television’s Quantum-Dot Future

IEEE Spectrum   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Move over, OLEDs. Quantum dots will be the next darling of display manufacturers

Feb 22, 2018

Graphene Nanoribbons Reach Out to the Molecular World

IEEE Spectrum   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

For the first time, the magnetic porphyrin molecule critical to animal and plant life has been directly connected to an electronic circuit

Feb 16, 2018

Graphene Nanoribbons Reach Out to the Molecular World

IEEE Spectrum   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

For the first time, the magnetic porphyrin molecule critical to animal and plant life has been directly connected to an electronic circuit

Feb 16, 2018

Silicon Nanostructures Bend Light to Make Faster Photodiodes

IEEE Spectrum   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Speedy silicon photodiodes are one of the missing ingredients to silicon photonics systems

Feb 14, 2018