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Results: 30105
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Outsmarting chemo-resistant ovarian cancer with nanoparticle treatment

Medical Xpress   -   Scientific News Websites

Women diagnosed with ovarian cancer may initially respond well to chemotherapy, but the majority of them will develop resistance to treatment and die from the disease. Now Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered the Achilles heel of chemo...

Feb 21, 2024

Research team develops nanoscale device for brain chemistry analysis   -   Scientific News Websites

Longstanding challenges in biomedical research such as monitoring brain chemistry and tracking the spread of drugs through the body require much smaller and more precise sensors. A new nanoscale sensor that can monitor areas 1,000 times smaller th...

Feb 21, 2024

A Peek at Intel’s Future Foundry Tech

IEEE Spectrum   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

In an exclusive interview ahead of an invite-only event today in San Jose, Intel outlined new chip technologies it will offer its foundry customers by sharing a glimpse into its future data-center processors. The advances include more dense logic ...

Feb 21, 2024

Food additive E551 could promote celiac disease

Medical Xpress   -   Scientific News Websites

E551, more commonly known as silicon dioxide, is a powder composed of nanoparticles (i.e., particles < 100 nm in size). It serves as an anti-caking agent in an array of dry and powdered foods, including soups, spices, cereal-based infant fo...

Feb 21, 2024

Cleaning or desalinating water quickly: Looking deep into smallest pores

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Membranes of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VaCNT) can be used to clean or desalinate water at high flow rate and low pressure. Recently, researchers carried out steroid hormone adsorption experiments to study the interplay of forces in the ...

Feb 21, 2024

Kiss-and-tell: A new method for precision delivery of nanoparticles and small molecules to individual cells

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

The delivery of experimental materials to individual cells with exactness and exclusivity has long been an elusive and much sought-after ability in biology. With it comes the promise of deciphering many longstanding secrets of the cell. A research...

Feb 21, 2024

Revolutionary breakthrough in solar energy: Most efficient QD solar cells

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

A research team has unveiled a novel ligand exchange technique that enables the synthesis of organic cation-based perovskite quantum dots (PQDs), ensuring exceptional stability while suppressing internal defects in the photoactive layer of solar c...

Feb 21, 2024

Electrons become fractions of themselves in graphene

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Physicists have observed fractional quantum Hall effect in simple pentalayer graphene. The finding could make it easier to develop more robust quantum computers.

Feb 21, 2024

Freezing electronics to control diamond spin qubits

Tech Xplore   -   Scientific News Websites

Researchers from Fujitsu and QuTech have developed new and ultra-cold electronic circuits to control diamond-based quantum bits. As a result of their joint research project, it becomes possible to build larger quantum computers, through overcoming...

Feb 21, 2024

Angle-dependent holograms made possible by metasurfaces   -   Scientific News Websites

Recently, a research team from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) has employed metasurfaces to fabricate angle-dependent holograms with multiple functions. This technology allows holograms to display multiple images based on the...

Feb 21, 2024