The total amount of Russian purchased products and services associated with #nanotechnologies was 1.6 trillion rubles in 2019.
The global #market for nanotechnology in #drug_delivery is projected to reach US$138.8 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 19.4% over the analysis period. #Nanocrystals, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to reach US$83.1 Billion (60 % of the market) by 2026.
#RUSNANO JSC took part in the establishment of 83 companies of 524 enterprises and organizations manufacturing #nanoindustry products in 2019. 2 of them produced high-technology materials for nanoindustry companies.
Over the ten years, the revenue of #nanotechnology_centers and #startups in the Russian Federation exceeded 34.9 billion rubles with more than 3000 workplaces created.
The 2021 US #Nanotechnology Initiative #Strategic_Plan program emphasizes the expansion and modernization of research #infrastructures in the United States and develops support for researchers and #small_businesses across the United States.
In Russian Federation, during the #coronavirus pandemic, #eNano opened free access to over 60 online courses on the educational platform. During this promotion event, a total of 9003 visitors got acquainted with the courses offered.
#Foundational_research continues to be the largest area of #investment, accounting for 44% of the #NNI total for 2021. #NSF is the largest contributor followed by #DOE, #NIH, and #DOD.
The newly published ISO #nanotechnology_standard describes a methodology of label-free and real-time detection to assess the #toxicity of #nanomaterials to eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
As an emerging two-dimensional #nanomaterial with an average annual growth rate (#AAGR) of 111%, #Mxene has seen the highest growth in publications during the last few years.
#Singapore and #Australia have a higher ratio of highly cited #nano_articles to the total nano-articles, making these countries higher in ranking in the 5-year #H_index.
#Utrecht University will judge its scholars by other standards, including their commitment to teamwork and their efforts to promote open science instead of #impact_factor.
The incorporation of #polyethylene_glycol (PEG) chains into proteins, polypeptides, and aptamers enhances their #hydrodynamic radius while reducing their #proteolysis.
The #nanotechnology_standard (ISO 21363:2020) provides detailed instruction on how to calibrate, capture, measure, and analyze #TEM images to obtain particle size and shape distributions in the #nanoscale.
#Ferumoxides are composed of superparamagnetic #iron_oxide covered with a layer of #dextran with a hydrodynamic diameter is about 80-150 nm, for intravenous administration as an #MRI contrast agent.
Around 30 percent of #nanodrugs are #antineoplastic agents used to control and kill neoplastic cells or to prevent and inhibit the development of #tumors.
More than 40% of #nanotechnology_publications have been published by Chinese researchers in 2021. Iran, Saudi Arabia, and India have the largest amounts of #Local_Share.
At the heart of a #dye_sensitized #solar_cell, lies a #mesoporous layer composed of #TiO2 nanoparticles with an average particle size of 20 nm, which is deposited on a piece of glass coated with a thin layer of #FTO.
The ISO #nanotechnology_standard (ISO/TS 21356-1) specifies the sequence of methods for characterizing the structural properties of #graphene including the number of layers, thickness, the lateral flake size, the level of disorder, and the specific surface area.