13th World Congress on Aquaculture & Fisheries

Start Date Oct 28, 2019
End Date Oct 29, 2019
Event Type Congress
Subject Area Agriculture - Husbandry - Fisheries


13th World Congress on Aquaculture & Fisheries, will be organized around the theme “A step towards a new Era of Aqua Science and Fisheries technology”. Aquaculture Fisheries 2019 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Aquaculture Fisheries 2019.


 - Aqua culture and fisheries
 - Fresh water Aquaculture
 - Marine Aquaculture
 - Aquaculture methods
 - Aquaculture Nutrition
 - Aquatic Ecology
 - Aquaponoics
 - Hydroponics: present and future
 - Open Ocean Aquaculture
 - Sustainability in Aquaculture
 - Deep Water & Demersal Fisheries
 - Live Stock farming and genetic engineering
 - Nanotechnology in Aquaculture
 - Integrated multi-trophic Aquaculture
 - Aquatic Pollution and toxicology
 - Aquatic Diseases & Immunity
 - Marine Conservation & Management
 - Fishing Technique
 - Traditional and advance technology in Aquaculture and Fisheries
 - Marketing and pricing of fishes