COMPANIES LIST - Page 515 of 565

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Svaya Nanotechnologies
svaya is commercializing a new thin film manufacturing process to leverage nanotechnology in making the manufacturing process more efficient.
Goods Manufacturer
Sonata Scientific
sonata scientific is a developer of advanced air purification and antimicrobial products.
Goods Manufacturer
Montana Instruments
montana instruments is an electrical, optical, and cryogenic system manufacturing company.
Goods Manufacturer
Tursiop Technologies
tursiop technologies is developing revolutionary mri coil devices utilizing proprietary nanotechnology, which will produce higher image quality and faster scan times resulting in a significant boost..
Goods Manufacturer
Modern Microsystems
modern microsystems develops applications for electronics, localization microscopy and x-ray optics.
Goods Manufacturer
AnPac Bio-Medical Science
"Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company, Ltd., is led by award-winning and internationally respected biomedical and nanotechnology scientists, medical professionals, and engineering experts -- creating..
Goods Manufacturer
IME Medical Electrospinning
ime medical electrospinning is a global leader in electrospun medical devices and regenerative medicine. applying specific polymers, ime's advanced equipment creates fiber-based medical device..
Goods Manufacturer
among the many subsets of nanomaterials, quantum dots are like no other. at dimensions typically below 10 nanometers, nanocrystalline semiconductors, metals, and magnetic materials can all exhibit..
Goods Manufacturer
nanoScale Biomagnetics
nb nanoscale biomagnetics is a technology based company dedicated to the production of scientific and biomedical instruments.formed in 2008 as a spin off company coming from the university of..
Goods Manufacturer
rolith is developing advanced nanostructured products for consumer electronics, solar and green building markets using a proprietary nanolithography technology. its rolling maskĀ nanostructuring..
Goods Manufacturer