COMPANIES LIST - Page 517 of 565

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DCN Corp
dcn corp is an r&d company in nanotechnology.
Goods Manufacturer
Natcore Technology
natcore technology is the exclusive licensee, from rice university, of a thin-film growth technology enabling room-temperature growth of various silicon oxides on silicon wafers in a liquid phase..
Goods Manufacturer
as nanotechnology rapidly expands into the realms of medicine, there is an unmet need for “smart” nanoparticles capable of homing in on diseased tissue while leaving healthy cells intact. when..
Goods Manufacturer
MetaMateria Technologies
metamateria technologies uses nano-materials to innovate, develop, manufacture, and market water and air purification and solutions.
Goods Manufacturer
xplosafe is a provider of safety solutions for homeland security and chemical safety.
Goods Manufacturer
NanoAffix Science
nanoaffix science has developed technology for real-time detection of contaminants in drinking water. graphene-based sensors with nanometer-thick layers enable rapid and inexpensive quantitative..
Goods Manufacturer
Enumeral Biomedical
enumeral biomedical uses its microengraving (nanotechnology-enabled) process to address opportunities in immunology including therapeutic discovery, immune profiling and personalized medicine.
Goods Manufacturer
ondavia's technology rests on the microfluidics and nanotechnology to detect a large number of contaminants quickly and easily. these technologies either work in concert on a single analysis..
Goods Manufacturer
afmworkshop specializes in atomic force microscopy, custom engineering, customer support and technical services.
Goods Manufacturer
Advanced Energy Materials
advanced energy materials offers to commercialize nanowire materials for lithium-ion batteries and energy storage applications.
Goods Manufacturer